Friday 14 October 2011

Emptiness has a Silver Lining Too

photo by cc from Raina aka Neha
Dealing with loss means dealing with emptiness.

Isn't it obvious? After all, there was some part of me that has been taken away. And often, it feels like I'll never get it back.

This is what I am going through now. Emptiness. It's a scary, dark and cold room that I'd rather not be in. It's a void space that is numbing yet painful. It's space I wish to fill.

Dark days, it seems, are upon me. No matter how hard I try to replace this bleak outlook with a sunnier one, it's not working- at least for the moment. 

Someone told me that emotions are connected to one's outlook in life. So, all I have to do is change how I see things and my emotions should be replaced with happier ones. Sigh. Easier said than done.

Now the question is, how do I get myself to view empty space as good? Especially when I crave desperately for it to be filled?

So here's my epiphany for today: embrace emptiness.

What does that mean?

Simple. Instead of mentally noting what I hate about being single, I can do the opposite. I can list down reasons why being alone can benefit and allow me to get more out of life. I can choose this time to pursue missed opportunities or other passions, instead of focusing on all the negativity. In short, I can opt to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty.

Happiness isn't how great situations and people make me feel, but how great I choose to see the same situations and people. 

Mantra for the day: every cloud has a silver lining. I'm definite that where I am now is just a "staging area" so I can be a better person, so that I can prepare for the next phase in my life. Whatever that may be.

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