Monday, 17 October 2011

Contemplating Life Through the Delicious Turon

photo by cc from inuyaki
I love turon. It's one of my all time favorite snacks!

It's a lovely banana carefully and lovingly wrapped in a thin flour wrapper. (Sorry I excluded the jackfruit, I never liked it.) It gets rolled around in brown sugar, then off to a hot oil bath on the frying pan. 

Notice how it tastes when you take that first crunchy bite? It's generally sweet but your tongue is greeted with small pockets of bitterness care of the burnt sugar. Then bite further and you get more sweetness from the soft and chewey bananas. Yum. I'm definitely craving for one now.

I guess this is how we can view life as well. There are times when life wraps us up in problems holding us prisoner. Other times we enjoy rolling around in the wonders of life, just the way the turon would roll around sugar. Then life pulls as away from the good things and throws us back into the hot oils of life again where we experience pain, distress and loneliness.

Such is the cycle of life. But notice how in the end, the ups and downs turn us into something well-balanced? With a combination of crunchiness and softness, sweetness and bitterness, we taste better- or in our case, we become better. 

I suppose I wouldn't have life any other way then, for it's the challenges and triumphs that all blend well together to make us into the great people we are today.

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